Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: paranormal abilities, UFOs, stigmatic wounds, stones or animals falling from the sky, wolf children, wild men, visions, levitations, you name it. Alien cats to little green kittens; ghost ships to space ships; incomprehensible government cover-ups to out of this world sexual cock-ups -- all things Forteana. Back at the Sort, another Fortean fiend, lan Simmons, is wondering, "I suppose it must be Tough Shit that there's a shortage of mosquitoes for the Annual Finnish Mosquito Stacking Contest?" Sieveking and McNally think about it. "Yes," they conclude in agreement: "Yes, put it in Tough Shit." Tough Shit, of course, is a section in the magazine. The Sorters are mostly magazine staff, assisted by a few dedicated part- timers like Simmons, who runs a small science museum in Norfolk but write ...